Baby Not Sleeping ? Is It Time To Visit A Paediatric Chiropractor

how to get baby to sleep through the night

 [Click Here To Skip Straight To Watching Todays Success Story From Jago]

Whether it’s poor sleeping habits, digestive issues or colic, here are some of the ways chiropractic care for babies can help to relax your child and, as a result, relieve your baby’s symptoms; guiding them towards comfort and relaxation.

Although Chiropractic isn’t a treatment for these conditions. We at Life Balance Chiropractic help parents establish successful breastfeeding and sleeping behaviours for their newborns and baby. Here’s what you need to know before seeing a Baby Chiropractor
Meet Jago

Jago was having problems getting comfortable on his back and not sleeping since birth. A thorough Structural Test reveals several abnormalities at the Sacrum, 5th Dorsal Vertebra, 1st cervical Vertebra and a flexion cranial strain. Annabelle takes up the story. 


Some of the first stresses placed on your baby’s spine can happen during the birthing process. Gentle manipulations in certain areas of your baby’s body can help to relax their muscles and ease tension and strain, as well as aid in the correction of nerve problems which may arise after a difficult birth. 

Colic and acid reflux

Colic can have many causes and is often linked to an immature digestive system. Gentle adjustment methods and massage may help to stimulate nerve flow to the small intestine and increase motion in the gut. This may help to relieve trapped gas and prevent bloating and pain. Many of our mum clients find their baby relieved and relaxed.


Your baby chiropractor can help to relax your baby, allowing the release of any locked joints that may be causing tension. As a result, the research tells us that baby sleep an average of 4 hours more per night than those who do not receive gentle chiropractic care. 

Physical development

In the first year of life,  your baby’s primary spinal curve doubles in length, while the secondary curve forms. Sometimes, without proper alignment, there’s a chance their spine may not develop properly. Gentle adjustments by your baby chiropractor can help to relax your baby’s muscles which may help to align the spine and improve their overall posture and movement. 


Manual therapy for unsettled, distressed and excessively crying infants
Cry babies: A framework for chiropractic care
Manipulative therapies for infantile colic

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