


So You’ve Been Diagnosed With Arthritis Now What Do You Do?

Getting diagnosed with a condition that has no known cure can be worrying and stressful for both the individual and their family.
It often feels as if suddenly everything you do is in an effort to prevent another flare-up or worsening of your pain.
You stop buying the foods you enjoy because it’s too hard to open the packaging.
You stop taking the dog on longer walks through the park because you’re afraid of overdoing it.
You stop drawing, cooking, reading, or engaging in your other hobbies because it’s too painful for your hands, shoulders and spine.
You start to feel reliant on others to clean up around the house and manage all the errands like your shopping.
It can begin to feel like this is the way it will be now forever.

But it’s important to not mistake ‘no cure’ with ‘no treatment’.

And it’s especially important to understand that you have more treatment options than you may have initially thought.


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What We Treat

Reclaim Your Life from Arthritis. Expert Arthritis Relief: Personalized Care for a Pain-Free Future

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How To Stop Arthritis From Controlling Your Life

The usual GP go-to solution for arthritis is a combination of exercise, a change in diet, and prescription medication.
But that has the potential to lead to even more problems through:
Repeated Physical Stress which can increase the risk of further damage.
Repeated Mental Stress from our thoughts which can lower our immune system.
Repeated Chemical Stress from medications can wreak havoc on our bodies.
What you may not have been told is that there are other 100% natural alternatives to help alleviate the symptoms you’re experiencing.
Ones that are painless, effective, fast-acting, and able to improve the body’s range of motion and health of the joints, meaning you can continue to do the things you love.

And we are here to provide you with that exact service.

The Natural Solution That Helps You Coexist With Your Diagnosis

Arthritis can develop in anyone at any time, and there are over 100 types and related conditions.

While more familiar forms like osteoarthritis are closely associated with ageing and wear and tear on the joints from damage or a lack of motion or alignment that was never previously addressed. Many autoimmune forms can occur in children as young as six months old.

The key is to know and understand all your treatment options.
Whether your arthritis began a while ago or this has been a recent development:
Life Balance Chiropractic can help get you on track to coexisting more peacefully with your diagnosis and the symptoms that come with it.
So you can help to significantly improve the quality of your life today and allow you to keep active, mobile and maintain your independence much longer into the future.

What We Treat

Say Goodbye to Arthritis Pain: Transform Your Life with Our Proven Treatments for Lasting Arthritis Relief.

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Who Are We & How Can We Help?

We are Life Balance Chiropractic, and we are the UK’s #1 family-friendly care provider for exceptional patient excellence.
Our goal is to make your body a better place to live in.
In short, helping to relieve your arthritis pain is our business.
We offer chiropractic care & massage through our proven process carried out by expert practitioners.

Chiropractic care may be able to address the cause of osteoarthritis. One of the main reasons osteoarthritis occurs is that a joint may be damaged over time because it’s either lost motion or out of alignment, and so the body lays down new bone to project the area that’s not moving or working well. Chiropractic care can correct these issues, which can keep your arthritis from getting worse and also allow you to continue to do the things you love with more independence.

This enables us to help families live a better, more fulfilling life by taking a modern and proactive approach to healing while supporting their ability to stay active, mobile and independence through strength, mobility, and freedom from pain.
As one of the top multi-award-winning clinics for chiropractic treatment, we ensure a high level of care in patient satisfaction and customer experience.
It is important for us to connect with our patients on a personal level.
That’s why our experienced international team does everything we can to create a pleasant and custom-tailored experience, delivering the best quality care for each unique patient need.
Every time.

Find Out How We Can Alleviate Arthritis Pain & Restore Your Freedom

Our Custom 4-Step Arthritis Solution For You

Arthritis can be a complex condition to identify and address. As such, we’ve developed a state-of-the-art system for diagnosing and treating.

This healing practice we’ve developed is based on a 4-step system to ensure you are getting the very best care that is unique as you are.
A cozy corner featuring a dark teal velvet chair next to a round white side table. The table has a tissue box with a colorful floral pattern on top. Soft natural light filters in from a nearby window, creating a serene ambiance.
Your Comfort Is Our Top Priority
During your first visit, we take the time to listen and gather your unique health story and uncover how your arthritis is affecting your life, mobility, and happiness.
A man with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt, adjusts medical imaging equipment. A woman with blonde hair, wearing a white shirt, stands in front of the machine, preparing for a scan in a clinical setting.
We Don’t Guess, We Test
This is when we gather the most powerful data about your body, spine, muscles and nerves to discover the underlying cause of your pain through our comprehensive structural and nervous system proprietary assessment.
a person looking at an x-ray

We Analyse Our Results With You

Patient education is an important aspect of the experience. We take as much time as needed to go over all the results and answer any of your concerns or questions.


At this point, you are still under no obligation to continue working with us, but we will give you expert recommendations for a custom-tailored plan of action.

A chiropractor in a blue shirt is performing an adjustment on a patient lying face down on a chiropractic table. The patient's back is being examined, and the setting appears to be a clinical office with white cabinetry in the background.
Actioning Your Transformation

If you do decide we are a good fit, our professional chiropractors with years of clinical experience will support your health goals and transformation every step of the way.


The care is painless, and it will free up joints, nerves, and muscles that have been locked up, bringing back a state of ease and freedom of mobility.


You Don’t Have To Know What’s Wrong To Get Help

There are times when multiple issues and symptoms coincide or overlap, especially when considering arthritis.
For example:
Some joint pain can actually be caused by an underlying injury, while some seemingly unrelated symptoms can be caused by the inflammation of arthritis.
The point is we are not expecting you to know exactly what is wrong.
But if you bring all your symptoms to us, we will work with you to help decipher what has gone wrong, where the problem is, and create a custom solution designed specifically for you.
So you can get back to living your life faster.
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What We Treat

Take the First Step Towards Long-Term Arthritis Relief and Enjoy a More Pain-Free Life

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