Mental Health



Mental Health Overview

Attention to Mental Health has been increasing steadily over the past several decades, and for very good reason.
Traditionally, there has been much stigma and discrimination against those who are suffering from a mental health condition. But the NHS has recently reported that 1 in every 4 adults experience at least one mental health condition each year.
Mental health conditions can range from mild to severe, with symptoms that can vary significantly, even affecting the same person differently from day to day.
Because of this, the diagnosis can be complex, which is why it’s highly recommended to seek out a professional opinion if you are struggling.

Life Balance Chiropractic offers a unique look at recovery from Mental Health conditions in a safe and judgement-free environment.

Although some social progress has been made, there is still work to be done.
It’s estimated that up to 93% of people living with a mental health condition say that there is not enough attention or information available for them to thoroughly understand their symptoms.
On this page, we aim to provide some support and answers for what you may be experiencing and give you an opportunity to explore natural remedies that can help to ease symptoms without the use of prescription medications.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder

What Is Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
While feeling anxious is a common human emotion, Generalised Anxiety Disorder occurs when the sense of fear or dread becomes overwhelming and persistent, and prevents someone from carrying out their daily tasks.
There are multiple types of anxiety, such as social anxiety, where individuals fear going out into public and being around large groups of people.
However, GAD is a more broad term for when someone feels persistent and intense worry in any situation. It is considered a long-term condition, generally affecting people for most of their adult lives.
GAD has become increasingly more common over the past several years.
Global stressors and events such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic are widely considered to be a contributing factor to many who are suffering from GAD, even to this day.
While it’s not fully understood exactly why GAD occurs, many believe it is due to a combination of factors, including:
  • Genetics
  • Past experiences of stress or trauma
  • Having a long-term health condition, like arthritis
  • History of drug or alcohol use
Aside from a persistent sense of dread, anxiousness, and/or worry, other common symptoms may include:
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Restlessness or irritability
  • Excessive tiredness
  • Increased muscle tension
  • Difficulty sleeping
Anxiety is often treated through a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy (or CBT) and, in some extreme cases, medication.
The biggest problems here are that CBT is not always effective on its own, and the type of medication used to treat anxiety is highly addictive and can be quite dangerous.
Because of this, Life Balance aims to provide a natural alternative to supporting the mind by stimulating the neural pathways and returning healthy, healing energy back into the body.
Aside from feeling relaxed post-treatment, many of our patients have shown improvement in their heart rate variability (HRV), which is the body’s ability to deal with and adapt to stresses. Simply put, it’s like pulling the body’s natural handbrake and taking the foot off the accelerator.
This allows you to return to a state of ease, which indirectly increases stress-reducing “happy” hormones, lowers blood pressure, and provides a better night’s sleep.
To learn more about how we can help with GAD naturally:


The cause of your headache or migraine can vary significantly and is influenced by a number of different factors.
As we’ve covered, some of those factors are due to mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety. However, it is possible that there are other underlying causes. To best determine the cause, a professional assessment is highly recommended.
For more information on headaches, please visit our Headache Conditions page here.
GAD has become increasingly more common over the past several years.
Global stressors and events such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic are widely considered to be a contributing factor to many who are suffering from GAD, even to this day.
While it’s not fully understood exactly why GAD occurs, many believe it is due to a combination of factors, including:
  • Genetics
  • Past experiences of stress or trauma
  • Having a long-term health condition, like arthritis
  • History of drug or alcohol use

If it is found, the cause is mental health-related and more mental and emotional stresses. Several things can be done to help alleviate symptoms.


One of the best things you can do to recover naturally is to get an accurate diagnosis. Chiropractors at Life Balance Chiropractic find the root of your problem through the most thorough diagnostics that make up the Life Balance difference.


Aside from feeling relaxed post-treatment, many of our patients have improved their heart rate variability (HRV), which is the body’s ability to deal with and adapt to stresses. Simply put, it’s like pulling the body’s natural handbrake and taking the foot off the accelerator.


This allows you to return to a state of ease, which indirectly increases stress-reducing “happy” hormones, lowers blood pressure, and provides a better night’s sleep.


At Life Balance, we know the nerves that exit the top two bones in your neck go to your head and can cause headaches and even contribute to migraines. Our expert team can determine the case of your headaches, and although not always necessary, we have digital x-rays on-site and same-day analysis. Specific chiropractic adjustments and gentle soft tissue massage encourage motion to the restricted joints and areas of the spine. They open up the little holes where the nerves exit the spine to bring more life to that area, in this case, the head, and remove the interference so the body can heal better and get your life back. Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what our clients have to say.

For more information and a personalised evaluation to determine the cause of your headaches

Muscle Tension/Stiffness

Muscle aches, pains, tightness, and stiffness are often associated with mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety. Even though many people are familiar with how these conditions affect us mentally, most are less aware of the significant physical impact it has on our bodies.
The reason for this is because subconsciously, we are preparing for fight or flight.
This forces our muscles to tense and, over time, become fatigued. Most people carry this tension in areas such as the jaw, neck, and shoulders, however it can also manifest in the GI tract, creating persistent pains in both the upper and lower stomach.
Because many of the causes and symptoms overlap with other conditions, it is important to get a thorough evaluation by a professional to determine the root cause of the tension and/or stiffness you’re experiencing.
If you believe your aches and pains are associated with a more physical concern, please visit our General Aches and Pains condition page.
Treatment for muscle tension and stiffness will vary depending on the cause and is determined by an experienced professional.
At Life Balance, we provide such assessments to help put your mind at ease and find the right action plan moving forward.
There are a number of natural and proven techniques we can apply that will help stimulate blood flow, promote “happy” hormone production, and improve your overall sense of well-being.
If you are ready to discover the cause of your muscle tension and stiffness:

Stress (Sympathetic Dominance)

Stress is what our body experiences in response to strain or pressure. It occurs when our sympathetic nervous system takes control and prepares us for fight or flight.
Everyone, at some point in their lives, will undoubtedly encounter a stressful situation.
While this is normal and not an immediate cause for alarm, continuous stress or Sympathetic dominance can begin to wreak havoc on the body and its systems, resulting in the over-production of the stress hormone, which leads to chronic inflammation of the body.
Over the past decade, there has been increasing scientific evidence that this inflammation plays a significant factor in the development of multiple conditions and diseases of the body.
Some of these include:
  • Certain cancers
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Alzheimer’s disease
When the body is in a constant low-grade fight-of-flight state, it’s diverting valuable resources away from vital processes, such as healing, rest, digestion, growth, repair, and adapting.
This is why such a great emphasis has been put on reducing stress and managing the symptoms effectively.
Stress can occur from a number of both external and internal factors. These often include:
  • Problems with money
  • Lack of safe housing
  • Issues at work
  • The passing of a loved one
  • Divorce or separation
  • Illness or poor health
  • Tension with family and/or friends
  • Experiencing prejudice or discrimination
Typical treatments suggest removing yourself from the situation is the best course of action. However, avoiding the stressor altogether is not always possible and does not provide long-term prevention.
Because of this, focus should be placed on adapting better and managing stress effectively, to which there are a number of different avenues.
Life Balance has developed a unique treatment plan for those suffering from stress that allows an individual to reduce both mental and physical symptoms, allowing them to reduce the risk of further health complications and disease and improve how well the body adapts to stress in the first place through improved heart rate variability (HRV).
If you’d like to learn more about natural stress treatment options with Life Balance:


Where To Find Help & Relief

If you’re tired of wondering what could be wrong and just want to get back to living your life without restraints, we offer a multitude of free resources here that are available to you anytime.

However, if you’re seeking a more thorough analysis and want to walk away with the confidence of knowing:
  • Exactly what’s wrong
  • How to best treat it
  • A plan of action moving forward

Then we highly recommend getting in touch with us to book a Consultation.

This will give us the opportunity to diagnose you properly and give you the best chance to overcome mental health limitations naturally.
We will work together to help lift this weight off your shoulders and find the right solution that will help get you back to doing what you love.
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