Back Pain

Back Pain Alice


What to Do When Back Pain Doesn’t Go Away

If you’ve ever experienced back pain, then you know how debilitating it can be.
What may have begun as just an ache or injury quickly became an ever-present hindrance in your life.

You once thought, “It’ll just go away on its own.”

But soon, weeks turn into months, turn into years. And one day, you realise, this isn’t going away.

Now, you’re constantly being held back from the things you need, want and love to do:
  • Tossing and turning throughout the night
  • Struggling to work without discomfort
  • Missing out on playing with your children or grandchildren
  • Not engaging in exercise, outdoor activity, or sport
  • Can’t enjoy travelling to exciting places and going on Holiday
  • Not enjoying your hobbies and pursuing your passions
And what’s worse:

The restrictions can feel like wearing an uncomfortable or downright painful straightjacket you can never take off.

You’re told the only options you have for true relief are constantly flooding your body with medication or undergoing risky and invasive surgery.

Fortunately, there is a solution they haven’t told you about… when searching for back pain treatment

And it’s far more accessible than you would have thought.

What We Treat

Discover How We Can Help You Reclaim Your Mobility & Experience Life Without Restrictions


The Reality of Living in the Back Pain ‘loop’

Most people with back pain have gone through what we call, “the loop.”

This is the constant research, action, failure cycle that stays stuck on repeat as you work your way through:

Pain relief patches
specialist advice
Specialist advice
Heat or ice
wtc painkillers
OTC painkillers
Sports therapy
physical therapy
Physical therapy
gp referral
GP referral
Sports massage therapy
Manual therapies
Manual therapies

At times, the list can seem endless

The most worrying aspect of “The Loop,” is the toll it takes on our bodies, physically, mentally, and chemically.

And this doesn’t even include the long hours spent scouring the internet for support, help groups, or blogs, searching desperately for a solution that just works.

What We Treat

Are You Tired Of Waking Up With Back Pain? Learn How Back Pain Treatment with Our Program Can Correct Back Pain…

What We Treat

But the Truth About Back Pain is…

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So long as there is part of your spine that isn’t moving as it should, the rest of your back muscles will overwork themselves to compensate.
Causing you relentless aches, pain, and discomfort.

The most worrying aspect of “the loop”, is the toll it takes on our bodies, physically, mentally, and chemically.

Repeated Physical Stress can increase the risk of further damage.

Repeated Mental Stress from our thoughts can lower our immune system.

Repeated Chemical Stress from our medications can cause dangerous inflammation.

This is why ending this cycle sooner rather than later provides the optimal chance for healing.
But don’t worry.
Even if you’ve struggled with back pain for many years, this solution can still work for you and help to prevent you from having to “give-in” to medications or surgery.

At this point you may be wondering:

“Who is it that’s able to provide me with a genuine solution when everything else I’ve ever tried has failed?”
And that’s where we come in.
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What We Treat

Experience How Our 4-Step Back Pain treatment System Can Relieve Your Back Pain so You Can Move Freely, Feel Better and Live More


Who Are We & How Can We Help?

We are Life Balance Chiropractic and we are the UK’s #1 family-friendly care provider for exceptional patient excellence.

Our goal is to make your body a better place to live in.

In short, your back pain is our business.

We offer top-level chiropractic care & clinical massage through our proven process carried out by expert practitioners. We customise our approach to your individual needs, providing targeted relief and promoting effective long-term recovery.

This enables us to help families live a better, more fulfilling life by taking a modern and proactive approach to healing while supporting their independence through strength, mobility, and freedom from pain.

As one of the top multi-award-winning clinics for chiropractic treatment, we ensure a high level of care when it comes to patient satisfaction and customer experience.

It is important for us to connect with our patients on a personal level.

That’s why our experienced international team does everything we can to create a pleasant and custom-tailored experience, delivering the best quality care for each unique patient need.
Every time.
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What We Treat

Take Action Now to Start On a Personalised Journey Toward Living Without Back Pain So You Can Continue Doing The Things you Love!


You Don’t Have to Know What’s Wrong to Get Help

There are times when multiple issues and symptoms coincide or overlap.

For example:

Some back pain is actually a condition known as Sciatica, and some back pain can be caused by underlying issues in the spine where the holes where the nerves exit the spine can become compressed and reduced. This is known as lateral stenosis and can make walking any distance more difficult over time and make your legs feel like either cramping, heavier or like their lead weights you can’t take off.

The point is:

We are not expecting you to know exactly what is wrong.

But if you bring all your symptoms to us, we will work with you to decipher what has gone wrong, where the problem is, and create a custom solution designed specifically for you.
So you can get back to enjoying the things you love, faster.
low back pain chiropractor treatments 1

What We Treat

Discover How We Can Help You Reclaim Your Mobility & Experience Life Without Restrictions:


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Next Steps - FAQ's

Back pain is a joint discomfort or pain experienced in or around the lower back, hip joints or sacroiliac joints. It can refer to the buttocks, hips or legs. It can arise from various issues like injuries, lack of motion, or alignment to the joints and spinal bone (vertebrae). This creates scar tissue and damage to the ligaments, tendons, or fluid-filled discs in between the vertebra. It can affect people of all ages, and severity can range from a minor annoyance to severe can’t move omg! Help. Without long-term correction, it often comes back with flare-ups and becomes a chronic condition which makes everything you do more difficult in daily life.
Back pain often originates from many different causes, including factors such as:  
  • Loss of motion of the spinal joints or vertebrae: causes the muscles and ligaments to go into protection, causing muscle spasms and pain.
  • Misalignment of the spinal joints or vertebrae: Otherwise known as vertebral subluxation, a lack of motion of alignment which puts pressure on the nerves and can cause pain, muscle weakness, spasms and restriction as well as problems wherever those nerves go. In rare cases, the nerves can become so compressed in the spine that they can affect the bowel and bladder working properly. This is a medical emergency; you should go straight to A & E.
  • Sciatica, Bulging, Slipped, or Herniated Discs:The squiggly doughnut disks act as cushions between the spine’s bones. If the alignment or motion changes, it’s like driving a car without wheel alignment; the wheels wear much quicker, and in the case of the disc, the soft material can bulge, rupture, and press on the nerves.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis or Spondylosis can affect the lower back and cause back pain. If left untreated, it can narrow the space around the spinal cord or spinal nerve, a condition called spinal stenosis, which can make walking more difficult over time.
  • Muscle or Ligament strain: Repeated heavy lifting or sudden awkward movement can cause back pain.
  • Scoliosis: can create back pain as your body must compensate for these structure changes.
  • Posture and lifestyle factors: Static postures for long periods cause crimping where the muscles are, when the muscles and ligaments contract or tighten. Think of a tissue paper. When you pick it up, it creases and bends. This reduces flexibility and motion, leading to discomfort and back pain.
  • Injuries: Accidents, falls, slips, etc., can cause back pain as they can create changes in alignment or motion regardless of symptoms being present at the time. This leads to compensation muscle tension and ligament weakening over time. This often appears as “My back just goes all of a student just doing the simplest movement” with our clients.
  • Emotional stress: This is huge. Your body keeps score. Stress and Anxiety lead to muscle tension and ligament and fascia tension, which attach to joints and can create restriction, tension, and pain.
  • Medical conditions: Osteoporosis can cause fractures, kidney stones, infections, tumours, and an enlarged aorta, which can all cause back pain.
Back pain can often be effectively managed or improved and, in many cases, corrected in the long term, especially when addressed early with appropriate treatments. The 4-Step Back Pain Treatment System targets the underlying factors contributing to back discomfort, offering a structured approach to enhance comfort, restore function, and potentially reduce the risk of further issues.
Depending on the time and severity and whether or not clients take an active role in their recovery, our back pain specialists average 50-95% improvement in symptoms if we can accept them into our program.
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