Frequently Asked Questions


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Ask the Chiro

Here to answer muscle nerve and questions about your health concerns. Whether it be a muscle nerve and joint problem, aches, pain, stiffness, severe pain, or lifestyle problem.

Chiropractic care is a natural healthcare discipline that emphasises the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. It focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health. Because the spine and joints are moveable structures, they can misalign or stop moving well, creating a lack of motion and affecting normal nerve flow. This can cause problems with where those nerves go in the body.

Every signal aspect of the care we provide is focused on you and your nervous system, promoting and restoring balance and creating a better state of ease so that it can rest, relax, repair/heal, grow, digest and adapt to stress.

These functions are essential to you and your family, whether that be a tiny baby who’s supposed to be asleep more than awake, kids and parents who need rest, recharging and resilience to face this world we live in.

The state of your body affects everything you do.
The things you need to do are sleep, work, run your home, and rest. The things you want to do, like make good decisions at work and at home, whilst having enough energy and capacity to get through the week. The things you love to do are keeping active and mobile and being able to continue your active lifestyle whilst being a great-grandparent, mum or dad, wife or husband, brother or sister, friend or colleague. It affects all of us.

If yout body and nervous system are not in balance and in a state of stress, stuck (subluxated) and exhausted and not functioning properly then the things you do on a daily basis become increasingly difficult.

The chiropractor’s job is to remove this stuckness (subluxation), nerve interference and obstruction and release pressure upon nerves to restore mental impulse flow and life from the brain to the body whilst improving the body’s ability to adapt to stress (HRV), restore health and enhance the quality of life. The job of a chiropractor is to enable your body to move freely, feel better adjust better to the stresses of daily life and give lifestyle and exercise advice to reduce those stresses and build a better, more resilient body so you can live more.

Life Balance Chiropractic Poole, located at 53 Lagland Street, Poole, BH15 1QD, is conveniently located within the centre of Poole, close to the old library bus station on Lagland Street. An 8 minute walk from Poole train station, and if you’re travelling by car, we have onsite parking, and the big Sainsbury’s just behind the centre makes it convenient and easy to access.

We have Life Balance Chiropractic Poole open Monday to Fridays 08.00 am till 12.15 pm and again at 1.30 pm till 07.30 pm and open every other Saturday from 09.00 am – 1.00 pm

We try to keep things simple for everyone, as we all have different preferences.


To book an appointment at Life Balance Chiropractic you can either:


In terms of clothing: depending on your area of injury/pain, your Chiropractor will need to assess that area. So, for example, if you have shoulder pain, you will be asked to show your shoulder and upper back. If you have knee pain, please bring a pair of shorts to change into.

Care is a 50-50 process, meaning our team will do their work, and if you do your part at home, we will get to where you want to be together faster and keep you feeling better for longer. If you do your home care, it will help keep you out of the centre.


This means you will be prescribed individual stretches and exercises, for which we have a database of over 1000. We can handpick them for you and give you what you need rather than just the same as everyone else and without the waiting lists.


These will be given to you as part of a care plan, and you will be given a login to our Exercise Portal, where you can view the exercises, track your progress and be held accountable for doing the exercises you have been given.

All our Life Balance chiropractors come from a licensed professional background. In addition to their professional 5-year university master’s training, they must undergo rigorous internal training on the Life Balance techniques and system when they join our team of chiropractors. They also attend weekly technical training where they train their clinical excellence and artistry and the application of chiropractic neuroscience and philosophy learning. They bring in some of the world’s top therapists to teach our staff various subjects.

The uniqueness of Life Balance Chiropractic starts with the belief that, in some way, everything is connected to everything else. Many therapies don’t have a goal outside of working on what hurts and that specific area only. With Life Balance Chiropractic, we look at the global picture of how your body is ordered, aligned, and balanced, how your body moves, its curve relationships and state, and how one issue can lead to problems elsewhere. This helps us look strategically and systematically at identifying the root cause of any pain, dysfunction, or areas of stress holding us back from a better quality of life and performance improvements.


From this point, we test, don’t guess. We gather the most powerful data to diagnose the underlying cause of your problems through our comprehensive structural and nervous system assessment. In addition to our proprietary assessment, imaging tests such as X-rays and spinal scans may be utilised to obtain more accurate results.


Our chiropractors don’t just jump in and start treating you, then. They go away and analyse your findings thoroughly so that the care is specific to you. You will be invited back to discuss your report of findings the next day based on availability. This is where all your questions and concerns will be answered during this, and we’ll break it down into an easy-to understand plan. We’ll then guide you through an expertly planned care sequence to reach your goals. Crystal clear, no hidden fees, no-obligation recommendations in the language you’ll understand.


You will feel confident about your problem, how we can be an enabler for you, how long it will take to heal and correct with the investment involved in working with us and your different financial options. 


If we accept your case and you decide you want to work with us. Together, we will work to support and achieve your health goals and transformation every step of the way.


Care sessions involve specific chiropractic adjustments tailored to your needs. We also use the latest cutting-edge spinal corrective home care and technologies for precise and efficient healing. Throughout your appointments, rigorous monitoring and revisions will evolve according to your health journey. This will involve lifestyle advice and customised exercises to support your healing and prevent future injuries. 


Before you know it, you can return to living the way you love! 


Our proven process empowers you to be the architect of your health, allowing you to get your quality of life back, achieve your lifestyle goals and keep it that way.

Discover the transformative power of chiropractic care! Our expert chiropractors deliver precise, painless adjustments tailored to your needs. We work from body to brain. We focus on your spine, which is the direct link to your brain and runs every part of your body through the nervous system to optimise your overall health and well-being.

Renowned in the field, our chiropractors teach clinical excellence within the profession and provide innovative, world-class chiropractic care. Each chiropractic adjustment is quick, easy, efficient and effective, designed to restore your body’s natural function and state.

Our personalised approach ensures that your adjustments match your age, condition, and preferences. Whether you need gentle releases or more significant adjustments, you’ll experience immediate relief and improved motion, like our clients who say, “that felt like a weight just came off me”, and “I feel brand new”, It’s like the fog just cleared, and I’m back online again.”

Occasionally, some initial discomfort may occur, which can be a normal healing response. Our deep-level techniques release long-held tension for lasting correction. With thousands of hours refining our methodology, we ensure each session enhances your well-being.

Feel the difference. Book your consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life!

The Life Balance Chiropractic session for new clients is split into two visits. You will thoroughly consult your chiropractor during your first visit to discuss your health history and concerns. You will also undergo a hands-on assessment and spinal analysis using the latest diagnostic technology to determine the root cause of your symptoms. Digital X-rays will be taken onsite and analysed at an additional cost if required. This appointment will take around 30-45 minutes.


On your second visit, you will receive a full report of findings in response to four common questions asked by clients: 1) What’s wrong? 2) Can you help me? 3) How long will it take to heal and correct? 4) How much will it cost? This appointment will take 30 minutes, and if you decide to proceed with treatment, you can do so in that visit.


We take the time to thoroughly diagnose your condition and provide you with personalised care throughout your treatment. Our adjustments typically take 15-20 minutes, and we offer individualised prescriptive exercises from our extensive database of exercises to support your care. We also provide regular progress reviews to ensure you receive the best care possible. We aim to provide efficient, quality,  compassionate, and painless care that allows you to focus on the things that matter most in your life.


Client feedback told us it can all be too much to take in. Our clients get much better results when we separate your first appointment from your findings and first chiropractic adjustment.

All our Life Balance chiropractors working within our clinics have gone through extensive training beyond their professional schooling to successfully provide solutions, and solve and improve a wide variety of real-world challenges that our clients bring to us every single day. There’s strength in numbers, and the strength of the Life Balance team comes from the learning and talent development of our team working together. In short, you can’t go wrong with anyone on our team – choose your Life Balance chiropractor based on the location and times that are convenient for you. Learn more about 7 Mistakes when choosing a chiropractor

Your Life Balance chiropractor will be able to provide you with an accurate timeline following your initial assessment, day one experience, and day two reports of findings.


While every case is uniquely different the two biggest factors that help our chiropractic answer this question for families are the client’s age and the severity of their subluxation pattern, nervous system dsyfunction and imbalance (dsyautonomia). Younger kids and babies with less severe nervous system dysfunction are going to respond much faster and typically need a less involved care plan.


For tough chronic cases it can take some time and repetition to start to see results almost like going to the gym and working out it’s going to take time and repetition. That being said there are plenty of ways we track and see positive changes (nervous system healing) in the early stages. Or what we call neuro soft signs such as improvements in frequency, intensity, sleep, energy and so forth. Seeing changes in your progress checks with these soft signs less us know we are on the right track in terms of healing journey. 

When we talk about turning the power on, we mean it. Don’t wait for an injury to build up. Our modern lifestyle habits of being glued to a chair or couch for many hours a day or in front of a computer screen do not allow our bodies to work or maintain themselves as they’re supposed to. Add weekend warrior activities and a stressful week with little movement; you’ve a recipe for disaster. On the other hand, if we take the time monthly to address your muscular tension and spinal tension, improve your stress resilience, recovery, energy, and movement patterns, manage lifestyle factors, and ensure that we’re dealing intelligently with tweaks and aches before they become a significant problem, you’re going to feel better, move faster, and live a longer more fulfilled pain-free life.

Clients do not need a referral to be treated by any of our Life Balance chiropractors. However, some private insurance companies require a doctor’s referral for chiropractic. Please check with your personal insurance company before making an appointment.

You can find our pricing here. Suppose you’re using your insurance to help subsidise some of your care sessions. In that case, your responsibility will vary, so please confirm the details of your coverage with your insurance provider before making a reservation.

Life Balance Chiropractic is provided by our team of fully licensed chiropractors and, depending on your policy, can help subsidise your Chiropractic care. If you are going through insurance you before your appointment bing along any referral letters, scans, reports you may have.

Currently, we don’t bill directly to your insurance provider. Cash or all major credit cards are accepted. At the time of payment, we will provide you with an invoice you can submit to your private insurance provider to subsidise part of your care and gain reimbursement up to your policy amount. Based on your recommendations, you will be responsible for the rest of your care.

Yes, we have state-of-the-art medical technology and plan to offer digital x-rays as a service within our clinics.

Because the spine is movable and protects the delicate nervous system and nerves they exit every level of the spine and go to every organ, gland and muscle in your body. A vertebral subluxation is an adaptive response to stresses in your life that cause the bones and joints of the spine to either lose motion or alignment. This change in alignment and increased restriction, tension or compression causes interference with the communication of the nervous system. The brain communicates with the body, and the body communicates with the brain. When the nerves are irritated they can cause symptoms in and around the area locally and also further away, such as pain, heat, swelling, tenderness, tingling, burning, and numbness. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may suffer from a correctable vertebral subluxation.

Great! Please visit our Careers page to submit your application for your desired role. We’re currently hiring Chiropractors and Care Advocates for front desk team support for our Poole headquarters. SIGN UP HERE

Corrective chiropractic care is focused on correcting the problem long term vs just a short-term quick fix where the symptoms subside and occur again (and again), placing you on a rollercoaster of flare-ups and remission. It’s also less painful and costly!



It’s about putting you on a personalised care plan in order to correct the problem, which is a 50-50 process, meaning our team will do their work, and if you do your part at home, we will get to where you want to be together faster and keep you feeling better for longer. If you do your home care, it will help keep you out of the centre.



This means you will be prescribed individual stretches and exercises, for which we have a database of over 1000. We can handpick them for you and give you what you need rather than just the same as everyone else and without the waiting lists. 



A Dennoroll may be prescribed where required, depending on what you need, which is a deceptively simple, safe, effective pillow-like orthotic device like a retainer for your teeth or an orthotic for your shoe. It’s engineered to get your spinal curves and alignment back, correct your problem, and improve your posture in the long-term vs. a short-term quick fix.

We’re sorry, we don’t do emergency quick fixes or patch-up care. It’s not in your best interests, and we know we’re doing you a disservice. Our Chiropractors take immense pride in their work and dedicate many hours to analysing your health story and findings before starting care with you. So if you are fed up with fast patch-ups, frustrated that it keeps coming back or have seen everyone and other chiropractors and nothing has corrected it long term then we are probably right for you.
We also offer a risk-free service belief guarantee. 93% of clients get the desired results, but results cannot be guaranteed. Our goal is always to exceed your expectations with the service you receive. This is why we offer a 100% money-back service guarantee.

Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest, drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints of the nerves, muscles, spine and joints of the body. Like all health treatments, there are some risks involved, but they are relatively minor. Our chiropractors are well-trained to determine if your problem will respond to chiropractic care or if you require referral to another health care provider.


Chiropractic adjustments are typically safe when performed by qualified professionals. Serious adverse events are rare, and chiropractors undergo comprehensive training to ensure your safety.

There is a misconception that you can’t visit a chiropractor or continue visiting a chiropractor for care after you had a spinal surgery.  In fact, specific chiropractic care may be beneficial for these people. In pre-surgery cases, early treatment can prevent invasive severe intervention. If necessary, your chiropractor is trained to recognise conditions which need to be referred elsewhere. Chiropractic care is also highly safe in post-surgery cases. Spinal surgery may cause improper alignment and extreme joint and muscle stiffness that precise chiropractic care may be able to resolve. Recommendations will be given on a case-by-case basis during your consultation with our chiropractors.
Yes, chiropractic care is suitable for individuals of all ages, including babies, children and the elderly. Treatments are tailored to the individual’s age, condition, and specific health issues. Learn more about baby chiropractors here and our newborn feeding clinic.

Being born is not easy. Parenting newborns and infants can be challenging and stressful, especially when things do not go as planned.

Where so much of pregnancy and birth has now been medicalised, the labour and delivery process exposes the majority of infants to high amounts of both physical stress (pulling, twisting, compressing) and chemical stress due to the high use of birth interventions such as induction, epidurals, c-sections,  forceps, and vacuum extraction. Even in those cases where no medical intervention is used, with delivery, there is a significant amount of force during vaginal delivery, which has been shown can cause birth injuries and severe damage to the newborn’s head, neck and shoulders. This damage can lead to developmental delays or nerve injuries like Erbs Palsy, where the newborn or baby has difficulty using one or sometimes both arms. 


Many of the primary concerns of parents, like crying, are an issue that affects all families, and when babies cry inconsolably or excessively, there is little help from routine types of care and often gets passed off as ‘they will grow out of it’. Research has shown an association between difficult births and excessive crying or infant colic and that difficult births lead to neuromusculoskeletal problems in infants, particularly if the infant or baby is unable to lie or sleep comfortably on their back. 


Our Doctors of Chiropractic actively and intentionally listen to parents, valuing those crucial “mom gut” moments in uncovering health challenges.


Birth trauma is common but not normal Gutmann examined more than 1000 infants and concluded that 80% of all newborns had some form of nerve dysfunction with many issues arising from subluxation of the first vertebrae in the neck. 


Undetected nerve dysfunction associated with birth trauma may result in irritability, leading to sleep problems, difficulty with feeding and attachment and favouring looking more on one side. 


Clinical experience and an increasing amount of scientific research, have shown no adverse events resulting from chiropractic care for the infant and baby. One randomised controlled trial of over 7000 adjustments in the AECC clinic found no adverse events, and the most common side effect reported from the care was better sleep. On average, they slept 4 hours more a night! For a sleep-deprived parent, this can be a game changer. 


Other health issues, which parents often consult the chiropractor for help to cope with, include difficulty with breastfeeding, which is protective against morbidity and mortality in both infant and mother. Infants or babies unable to sleep comfortably on their back, which is protective against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and infants and babies who are unable to turn their heads equally directly, can later result in an asymmetrical head shape (positional head deformity, plagiocephaly). 

Our care has been designed to give parents answers to their questions and support them and their babies to improve their comfort and well-being.

Typically parents that come in with their child or babies are stressed, exhausted and feel like crap (FLC). Our care at Life Balance is allowing parents to routinely experience more energy, emotional wellbeing and better sleep stratergies so they can better tackle their daily lifes.

The frequency of visits depends on your individual condition and response to treatment. After your initial assessment, we will recommend a treatment plan that may include regular visits initially, followed by a reduced frequency as your condition improves and you achieve your goals with the care. 


Why tuning up your body matters, in the same way you clean your teeth regardless of it they hurt or not and maintain your car so when you put your foot on the accelerator it goes, your body requires regular tune-ups. We add stress, pressure, wear and tear to our nerves, muscles and joints everyday, which can lead to pain, injury or nervous system problems. Routine body maintenance ensures you’re always ale oto feel your best. 

While regular visits can be part of a healthy lifestyle, they are not mandatory for life and the care is always your choice. We always let our clients that they can say no to our recommendations and the choice is theirs if they decide to want to continue or make regular chiropractic part of a their health self care routine.

While the perception of chiropractors is that they are like a back pain doctor, while effective for back pain and neck pain, chiropractors are actually nervous system doctors and, through specific chiropractic care, also treat and manage a wide range of conditions and health concerns like migraines, headaches, joint pain and even certain neurological disorders like sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, generalised anxiety disorders, cervicogenic dizziness and balance issues.  Improving spinal alignment and motion at a stiff or subluxated spine and vertebrae enhances overall well-being and nervous system function to keep people like you continuing to do the things you love.
We have wrote a great blog on this exact topic if you are interested in learning more about how much it costs to see a chiropractor in the UK and the factors and considerations of chiropractic prices.
Each discipline has its strengths and weaknesses. The choice between chiropractic care and physiotherapy depends on your specific health concerns, needs and treatment goals. Both of these practices aim to alleviate pain and improve how you move and function so that you can continue doing the things you love. They just get there through different approaches. Chiropractic care
  • Chiropractic care is a distinct primary healthcare profession that focuses on diagnosing, caring, and preventing nerve, muscle and joint disorders of the skeletal system, particularly of the spine and their effects on whole-body health. 
  • Chiropractors are the only professionals in the world who can assess, analyse, and correct vertebral subluxations of the spine through chiropractic adjustment, enabling the body to heal without surgery or medication. 
  • A referral from your GP is not required to see a chiropractor, so you can book an appointment directly with them. 
  • Chiropractors also offer lifestyle advice and personalised prescriptive home care rehabilitation to support the body and prevent injury and its reoccurrence.  
  • Suitable for acute and chronic conditions and preventative, maintenance and lifestyle care. 
  • Physiotherapy is part of primary healthcare medicine that aims to improve mobility through rehabilitation and health education. 
  • Physiotherapy often requires a referral from your GP, although for some private physios, you can go directly if your 
  • Physiotherapists use various techniques and tools, including exercises, stretching, hands-on massage, soft tissue therapists, and equipment and machines, to help patients recover primarily from soft tissue and muscle injuries. 
  • Suitable for both acute and chronic conditions and particularly rehabilitation after surgery.  
To determine which approach is best for you, consult a healthcare professional in both fields and decide which one best suits you.  Depending on the individual case, chiropractic care and physiotherapy may be recommended for optimal health outcomes and achieving your goals. It’s best to consult with healthcare professionals in both fields to determine which approach or combination thereof would best suit your specific conditions and recovery goals.

Chiropractic and osteopathy look at the body as a whole rather than individually and only at the area of concern. They share several similarities, including their approach to diagnosis, manual therapy and holistic perspective on patient care that the body can self-heal. 

Both practices care for people with acute and chronic conditions that affect patients’ quality of life.


They consider various factors that affect a patient’s health, such as the stresses a patient is under or experiences physically, mentally, emotionally, or environmentally.

Both disciplines focus on the nerves, muscles, and skeletal system, particularly the spine. Both disciplines agree that proper alignment and motion of the body’s structure play a crucial role in keeping people active, mobile, and independent, maintaining quality of life health, and aiding recovery from various conditions. 


They both use manual techniques as part of their care plan. These include manipulation or adjustments of the spine and other body parts to improve alignment, restore and maintain lost motion, improve function, and relieve nerve pain and pressure. 


In both Chiropractic and Osteopathy, our patient-centred meaning care is tailored to the individual rather than to large groups of people like medicine. 


Like patients, Chiropractors and Osteopaths prefer to avoid the use of drugs and surgery and use more non-invasive techniques to care for both acute and chronic conditions.


Both disciplines emphasise prevention and the maintenance of health and quality of life rather than the treatment of disease. Both often provide diet, exercise, and lifestyle advice to support overall well-being and patient education. 


For more information, watch What Are the Similarities Between an Osteopath vs a Chiropractor?

For many clients, chiropractic care with massage therapy can be highly complementary. 

Combining chiropractic care with massage therapy can be highly beneficial due to the complementary nature of these treatments.

Both chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy aim to improve function, alleviate pain and improve motion to improve quality of life and performance. They just get there differently.


Chiropractic care is focused on improving the structural integrity of the spine and nervous system to restore and maintain motion in the spine and joints, alleviate pain and nerve pressure, improve function, and promote healing.  On the other hand, massage targets the soft tissues, muscle tension, and trigger points to promote relaxation, circulation, and new blood flow and healing.

They both improve flexibility and mobility, meaning you can move more freely by increasing the range of motion through chiropractic adjustment to realign joints, reduce any nerve interference, and combine with massage to relax, stretch and soften the muscles. The result is freedom of movement.

They promote faster recovery from exercise and stress. Massage through increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation to promote healing. Chiropractic adjustments to address both acute and chronic skeletal, muscle and nerve issues. By restoring motion, reducing nerve interference, and improving body function and brain function (Havick et al)  and also heart rate variability (HRV) is vital in how well the body recovers.

In combination, they provide clients Longer lasting results as chiropractic care restores the motion and maintains it and massage helps to relax tight muscles caused by spinal and joint misalignment or restricted motion. This enables adjustments to hold longer because the muscles are less likely to pull, protect, and go into spasms, creating further joint restriction.

They are both holistic and comprehensive approaches to getting well and staying well, as they don’t jus address physical ailments but also offer stress relief and a better ability to adapt to stress as well as mental health benfitis due to their relaxing therapeutic benefits that contribute to overall health, wellness and better quality of life. 

Overall, the combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy makes each session more effective and provides a more rounded approach to health and wellness.

For more information please watch:

Chiro vs Sports Massage: what’s the difference?
Chiro vs Sports massage what are the difference and similarities?

Chiropractic is different from osteopathy in its techniques and art, as well as its philosophy of why it does what it does and how best to achieve balance in the body. 


Chiropractic care focuses more on precise specific adjustments and alignment, particularly of the spine, while osteopathy provides more long-lever manipulations and cranial work.

Traditionally, chiropractic focuses more on how the alignment and motion of the spine can impact the whole nervous system and, as a result, the entire body. At the same time, osteopathy generally takes a broader approach to how restrictions can affect the lymphatic system, which includes a more comprehensive range of body systems.


Want to learn more? Watch and listen to Dr Joshua Smith, DC explain Osteopath vs Chiropractor | Is There Really a Difference?

Recent scientific studies are revealing how chiropractic adjustments work. We now know that they positively affect the brain and the rest of the central nervous system.


The objective of a chiropractic adjustment is to correct a vertebral subluxation, which is a condition in which the bone functions or moves less than ideal. It is effectively a lack of motion and alignment that is not normal for the body.

Chiropractic has been tied to enabling a healing process in the body that has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body. (Roy et al 2010)

Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to balance the body’s stress response and sympathetic dominance fight-or-flight response. The chiropractor adjustment, particularly to the area of the upper neck and sitting bone, can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which reduces stress and activates the rest, repair, digest, heal, and adapt response, setting the stage for recovery and healing as well as improving nerve function to specific organs, glands and muscles. 


Although many healthcare providers and people seek chiropractic care to treat, cure, or remove a symptom, ailment, or condition, this is not what chiropractors do, whether they know it or not, and it was never chiropractic’s purpose.

Their focus with the chiropractic adjustment, is on removing obstruction and interference from the nervous system so that the body can heal and function better so the things you need to do, want to do or love to do become more accessible.


Anyone with altered joint motion or alignment, particularly of the spine, can be helped by a chiropractor. Due to its positive effects on the nervous system and how this system directs all the healing functions of the body, many symptoms and conditions have been shown to be improved through chiropractic. 


The following conditions are some of the most significant benefits of chiropractic adjustment and care.


  • Back pain
  • Neck pain 
  • Headaches and Migraines 
  •  TMJ Pain 
  • Joint Pain 
  • Sciatica 
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Sports Injuries 
  • Athletic Performance 

During a chiropractic adjustment, the spine is corrected with a high-speed, low-force force. A sound of just carbon dioxide gas bubbles being released between the joints can occur, but this doesn’t have to happen for the chiropractic adjustment doesn’t have to be effective.

The safety and effectiveness of a chiropractic adjustment is high when performed by well-trained and licensed chiropractors.

Some mild side effects are often described as delayed onset muscle soreness, stiffness or tenderness. The same thing you can get from going to the gym and training, and you havnt been for a while can occur, after which it usually goes away within a day or so.


For many people seeking chiropractic care, a specific chiropractic adjustment can often result in immediate relief. However, if a problem has been there for a long time, it may take a while to notice some changes.


This is why it’s crucial that you have a consultation and be assessed before you get a chiropractic adjustment.

Chiropractic is greek for ‘done by hand’. Which is why you see most chiropractors use their hands to assess and treat a patient.

Absolutely! We care for patients who have seen relief from migraines, headaches, dizziness, anxiety, sleep issues, numbness, slipped discs, sciatica, neuropathy, stomach problems, epilepsy, post-surgery recovery, multiple sclerosis, and much more.



In 1895, the very first chiropractic patient, Harvey Lillard, had his hearing restored by DD Palmer. Palmer, at first, thought he had found the cure for deafness. He quickly realised that his adjustments were not a cure or treatment for anything, they had a significant favourable influence on the nervous system and motion of the spine.



The nerve supply from your spine supports every organ, muscle, and gland. In other words, motion is life—a healthy spine is a healthy nervous system. As Joseph Pilates said, you are as young as your spine.


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