Headache and Dizziness

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Headaches Overview

Headaches can be one of the most debilitating and frustrating pains we get, especially if we don’t know what is causing them.
While most people will experience a headache at one point in time or another, getting chronic and severe headaches can be a sign of a deeper problem that should be assessed.
Many common complaints we hear about headaches are:
  • Tired of continuously using medications
  • Stressed & worried about the symptoms
  • Wondering when the pain will go away
  • Being unable to live their life freely
If these concerns sound all too familiar, then the following information is an ideal place to start. This page is designed to help you gain a better understanding of how to overcome your headaches and get back to living your life with less restriction.
Below are several common types of headaches, why they occur, what to look out for, and how best to treat them.

What We Treat

We Offer Corrective Chiropractic Care For A Wide Range Of Conditions


Where To Find Help & Lasting Headache Relief

If you’re tired of running to the pill bottle every time your headache returns, then Life Balance Chiropractic has you covered.

We offer a multitude of free resources here that are available to you anytime.
However, if you’re seeking a more thorough analysis and want to walk away with the confidence of knowing:
  • Exactly what’s wrong
  • How to best treat it
  • A plan of action moving forward

Then we highly recommend getting in touch with us to book your Consultation.

This will give us the opportunity to diagnose you properly and give you the best chance of getting to the root cause of your headaches and/or migraines.
We will work together to find the right solution that will get you back to doing what you love without the fear of returning pain.
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Read What People Say About Us

What We Treat

Get lasting Headache and Dizziness relief and correct them safely and effectively.



What is the difference between a headache and migraine?

Typically, migraines will feel much more intense, come on suddenly, and can last longer than headaches (up to 3 days or more). Migraines are usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and numbness.


Because migraines are much harder to pinpoint the cause of, it’s highly recommended to have a thorough assessment by a professional.

Yes. A common side effect of whiplash is headaches, neck pain, and stiffness in the neck or difficulties moving the head, which is reported in about 90% of whiplash sufferers.


On average, it can take 3 months to recover from whiplash, but with Chiropractic adjustments, the recovery time can be reduced significantly.

Yes! One of our specialist areas is in paediatric chiropractic treatments.


In fact, recent studies have shown that children who regularly experience headaches once under the care of a chiropractor see a significant reduction in the number of days they miss school from head pain.

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