Knee Pain



What To Do When Knee Pain Controls Your Life

The knees are one of those parts of the body that you don’t realise how vital they are to your mobility until there’s a problem.

Suddenly, you can’t sit, walk, or sleep the way you did before.

Even the simple task of standing up can become excruciating, leading you to adjust your daily routine to accommodate your pain.
At first it’s just temporary, you think, only until your knee ‘heals’ and starts to feel better.
But that day never comes, and eventually your adjusted routine has become a habit, and you realise you’re living your entire life around your knee pain.
But you don’t want to and certainly don’t deserve to live the rest of your life with mobility restriction and loss of freedom.
So what do you do?
Instead of rushing to your GP for more prescription pain medication or invasive surgery, it’s time to explore a safer, more natural alternative that comes with fewer side effects and far less downtime.

The kind of natural alternative provided by the experts at Life Balance Chiropractic.

What We Treat

Expert Knee Pain Relief: Personalized Care for a Pain-Free Future

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Why Doesn’t Knee Pain Just Go Away?

If you struggle with knee pain, you probably have first-hand experience of how persistent it can be.
This is because our knees are less manoeuvrable than other ball and socket joints such as the hip, and are more prone to exposure, injury, or damage.
While pain medication may offer temporary relief, consistent use to keep up with the persistent pain may eventually do more harm to you than good.
The dangers of continuously trying to self-treat knee pain include:

Repeated Physical Stress which can increase the risk of further damage.
Repeated Mental Stress from our thoughts which can lower our immune system.
Repeated Chemical Stress from medications can wreak havoc on our bodies.

All of which can quickly lead to a downward spiral.
Making the pain in your knee more likely to stick with you and gradually become harder and harder to treat.

How Do You Stop The Knee Pain Spiral?

To understand how to treat knee pain, we must first look at its causes.
There are many different issues that can contribute to knee pain, including:
  • Sports Injury
  • Cartilage Tears
  • Tendonitis Or Arthritis
  • Gout And Infections
  • Inflammation
  • And Many More
As you could probably guess by looking at this list, knee pain is one of the most common complaints we receive from people of every age.
Fortunately, while knee pain might be common, it does not have to be permanent.

The root cause of the pain will have a significant impact on how it needs to be treated. So getting a thorough evaluation by the experts at Life Balance Chiropractic is your first step toward regaining mobility, freedom, and getting back to the things you love.

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What We Treat

Say Goodbye to Knee Pain. Reclaim Your Mobility and Live Pain-Free


The Key To Healing Knee Pain Naturally

One of the most common questions we get asked is, “Can my knee pain be treated without surgery?”

And the answer is yes.

In fact, the right adjustments can not only help to quickly relieve your pain, but they can even help prevent future injury.
Giving you the peace of mind that your knees will be protected well into the future.
And you may be glad to hear that these unique chiropractic techniques are far more accessible than you think.
The key is finding a provider that will take the time to get to the root cause of your pain and give you a bespoke plan for non-chemical, non-surgical healing.
That’s why we are here to provide you with that exact service.

Who Are We & How Can We Help?

We are Life Balance Chiropractic, and we are the UK’s #1 family-friendly care provider for exceptional patient excellence.
Our goal is to make your body a better place to live in.

In short, your knee pain is our business.

We offer chiropractic care & massage through our proven process carried out by expert practitioners.
This enables us to help families live a better, more fulfilling life by taking a modern and proactive approach to healing while supporting their independence through strength, mobility, and freedom from pain.
As one of the top multi-award-winning clinics for chiropractic treatment, we ensure a high level of care when it comes to patient satisfaction and customer experience.
It is important for us to connect with our patients on a personal level.
That’s why our experienced international team does everything we can to create a pleasant and custom-tailored experience, delivering the best quality care for each unique patient need.
Every time.
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What We Treat

Discover The Best Treatment For Knee Pain With Natural Knee Pain Treatment To Get Your Quality Of Life Back


You Don’t Have To Know What’s Wrong To Get Help

There are times when multiple issues and symptoms coincide or overlap, especially when considering knee pain.
For example:
Some back pain can actually be caused by underlying issues in the knees and posture, while some knee pain can be caused by unaddressed medical conditions.

The point is we are not expecting you to know exactly what is wrong.

But if you bring all your symptoms to us, we will work with you to help decipher what has gone wrong, where the problem is, and create a custom solution designed specifically for you.
So you can get back to living your life, faster.
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What We Treat

Experience How Our 4-Step Knee Restoration System Can Help Reduce Your Knee Pain and Improve Your Quality of Life


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