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Tension Headache 

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What Is a Tension Headache?

Tension headaches are felt around the forehead or back of the head and neck like a band and are described as a pressure or feeling of tightness.
They are often described as a dull, aching pain and can sometimes occur for 30 minutes to days. Episodic tension headaches tend to last a few hours, whereas someone who has had headaches for over 3 months can occur daily and last for days at a time.

 I remember working with a client who had to put his whole degree on hold because his tension headaches interfered so badly with his life. So, I can personally resonate with how much these headaches can interfere with life.



What Are Tension Headache Symptoms?

Tension headache symptoms typically include:
  • Dull, aching head pain often a band across the forehead, sides and the back of the head.
  •  A sensation of tightness or pressure across the forehead or on the sides and back of the head 
  • Tenderness on the scalp, neck, and shoulder muscles
  • Restricted neck movement and pain
  • Reduce motion of the spinal neck joints. 
  • Mild to moderate pain that is not worsened by physical activity
  •  Difficulty concentrating 
  • Irritability or fatigue 
These symptoms may vary in intensity and duration and can still be very disruptive to day-to-day activities.
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What Causes Tension Headache?

With our clinic serving literally 1000s of clients with tension headaches at this point. Our experience tells us that stress in the main trigger for tension headaches without doubt. There are three main stresses.
  • Physical: such as poor posture, being in static positions, to much physical activity, neck injuries, muscle strain, arthritis of the neck, injured discs of the neck, sinus issues, jaw or dental problems and eye strain.
  • Mental/Emotional: Stress and Anxiety, Lack of rest and recuperation, Disturbed sleep. 
  • Chemical: is a big one also with skipping meals, dehydration and certain foods and drinks like caffeine, alcohol, and processed food with MSG or high in nitrates, so anything smoked can trigger tension headaches. 
Awareness is the first step to action and understanding these triggers can often help manage or in some case prevent tension headaches.

What To Do When Tension Headaches Don’t Subside?

If you’ve ever experienced a tension headache, then you know deeply this condition interferes with your everyday life.
It starts as that dull aching pain and then you sense a tightness or pressure around the forehead, back of your head and even the neck.
Your whole life can become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to:
  • Go to work or perform your job
  • Drive your car or go to the shops 
  • Manage chores around the house
  • Care for your kids or grandkids
  • Engage in exercise or sports
  • Travel or be out with friends
  • Enjoy your hobbies and passions
You try everything you can think of to find relief and you never know when the tension headache will come on.
If this sounds familiar to you, let me explain why this is happening.

Get Lasting Tension Headache Cure

The Key To Breaking The Cycle

The usual problem people run into is something we call “The Loop.”

This is the constant research, action, failure cycle that seems to stay stuck on repeat as you work your way through:

Physical therapy
Lifestyle modification
Searching for advice online
Seeking help groups
Unspecific general Neck manipulation
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And so many more
Each time you try something new, it persists or worsens and this then turns the tension headache to chronic problem making it harder and longer process to heal.
The most worrying aspect of this cycle is its toll on our physical, emotional, and chemical bodies.

Repeated Physical Stress can increase the risk of further damage.

Repeated Emotional Stress can lower the efficiency of our immune system.
Repeated Chemical Stress from our medications can cause dangerous inflammation.

In reality, treating with painkillers might actually leave you feeling even worse off than you did before and trigger medication overuse headaches.

Natural Safe Effective Tension Headache Treatment

The Potential Hidden Dangers Of Treating Tension Headaches With Medications

But even then, you’re told the only option you have for true relief is increasingly stronger medications.


You’re tired of reviewing all the self-help options; you’ve exhausted the list of possibilities, so you contacted your GP, who may have referred you to a specialist.


The main reason is that the underlying cause of cervicogenic dizziness can vary widely from person to person, making the source more difficult to pinpoint without a specialist.


So you either walk away with a vague diagnosis or simple directions to “just take these medications and try this exercise.” This inevitably leads to being prescribed stronger medications But continuously taking painkillers can set off an entirely new wave of health problems.


Such as:


  • Medication overuse headaches
  • Brain impairment
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Sleep disturbances
  • And More

The key to avoiding these potential complications is to seek out the root cause and correct it without relying solely on medication.

Which is exactly what we can offer you.

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Don’t treat your Tension Headache. Cure it.

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Who Are We & How Can We Help?

We are Life Balance Chiropractic, the UK’s #1 family-friendly care provider for exceptional patient excellence.


Our goal is to make your body a better place to live in.


In short, our business is the successful treatment of your cervicogenic dizziness.


Whether it’s:


  • From the neck joints, muscles or nerves
  • Another known cause
  • Or an unknown cause

We can correct it long-term for you.

We do this by offering a very detailed health history and physical examination. This may include x-rays to identify underlying neck problems and how long they have been there and rule out anything else and other causes of your headaches.


Care usually involves specific corrective chiropractic care and chiropractic adjustments combined with massage therapy through our proven process, as well as spinal remodelling carried out by expert practitioners that make up the life balance difference. To support your healing at home, we also have a database of over 1000 exercises and stretches, and we combine these with spinal remodelling exercises to improve the shape of your spine and create better long-term spinal alignment for you.


Our goal is for you to get your life back.

As one of the top multi-award-winning clinics for chiropractic treatment, we ensure a high level of care in patient satisfaction and customer experience.


It is important for us to connect with our patients on a personal level.

That’s why our experienced international team does everything we can to create a pleasant and custom-tailored experience, delivering the best quality care for each unique patient need.

Every time.

Alleviate Tension Headaches For Good


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Stop putting your life on hold. Regain Your Quality of Life


You Don’t Have To Know What’s Wrong To Get Help

There are times when multiple issues and symptoms coincide or overlap, especially when considering the different types of headaches.

We do not expect you to know exactly what is wrong.

But if you bring all your symptoms to us, we will help you decipher what has gone wrong and where the problem is and create a custom solution designed specifically for you.
So you can return to a state of ease in your life faster and unlock lasting results.
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