Hip Pain

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What To Do When Hip Pain Just Won’t Go Away

What may have started as feeling a little stiff in the morning or when standing has become a debilitating pain you feel almost constantly throughout the day.
You realise you’re giving up on things you used to love, like walking the dog, going on shopping trips with your family, or even just getting out and enjoying a hobby or sport on the weekend.
Suddenly, all your plans are being changed to accommodate your persistent pain.
So now what do you do?

Instead of running to the pharmacy for more medication or waiting on the phone to see your GP only to have them jump right to painkillers or rest, it’s time to explore a safer, effective more natural alternative to hip pain treatment with fewer side effects and less downtime.

It’s time to meet with the experts at Life Balance Chiropractic.

What We Treat

Alleviate Your Hip Pain & Get Back To Feeling Like Your Old Self Faster


What Causes Hip Pain?

How each experiences feel pain coming from the hips can vary significantly from one person to another.
The intensity of hip pain depends on numerous factors. While some report persistent dull aches and joint pain, others complain of sharp pains that leave bruising and swelling in or around the hip joint.
Common causes of hip pain typically include:
  • Sudden Injury Or Trauma
  • Muscle Strain
  • Poor Posture
  • Wear & Tear
  • Arthritis
  • Reduced blood flow
  • Hip fractures
  • And many more
Unfortunately, hip pain can be one of those physical concerns that may begin slowly but can rapidly spread to other areas of the body if not addressed early on.
Because our hips are one of the main contributing factors to how we stand, walk, and hold ourselves, adjusting our posture to accommodate a painful hip can quickly contribute to additional problems in the spine, lower back, knees, and even feet.
This is why it is vital to address the issue of hip pain as early as possible.

What We Treat

Specialist Hip Pain Treatment To Get Back To Feeling Like Your Old Self Faster


What If I’ve Been Struggling With Hip Pain For A While?

It’s common for people to have exhausted multiple treatment options before coming to Life Balance Chiropractic for their hip problems

In many cases, when searching for hip pain treatment, or treatments for hip they’ve already tried pain relief patches, painkillers, heat and/or ice pack, steroid injections, physical therapy, and stretching exercises to the affected area, which may cause the pain to become worse by creating a new set of problems:

Repeated Physical Stress can increase the risk of further damage. Repeated Mental Stress from our thoughts can lower our immune system. Repeated Chemical Stress from medications can wreak havoc on our bodies.
Fortunately, most hip-related issues can be improved through gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments, which help strengthen the muscles and improve motion, flexibility, and nerve flow in the lower back and hips.
This can also help revitalise and rejuvenate the body, allowing it to begin healing from long-term chemical or physical damage.

The Truth About Natural Healing From Hip Pain

The first question people usually ask us is, “Can my hip pain be treated naturally?”
And the answer is yes.
Although many doctors may recommend painkillers or hip replacement surgery, there are alternate options available to you that offer hip pain treatment with long-term results.
And you may be glad to hear that they’re far more accessible than you think.
The key is finding a provider that will take the time to get to the root cause of your pain and give you a bespoke plan for non-chemical, non-surgical healing to relieve hip pain and stiffness.
That’s why we are here to provide you with that exact service.

What We Treat

Experience Lasting Hip Pain Relief & Enjoy Life to the Fullest

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Who Are We & How Can We Help?

We are Life Balance Chiropractic, the UK’s #1 family-friendly care provider for exceptional patient excellence.
Our goal is to make your body a better place to live in.
And that includes supporting you as we work together to help ease your hip pain long-term so you can continue to do the things you love.
We offer chiropractic care & massage through our proven process by expert practitioners.
This enables us to help families live a better, more fulfilling life by taking a modern and proactive approach to healing while supporting their ability to stay active, mobile and independence through strength, mobility, and freedom from pain.
As one of the top multi-award-winning clinics for chiropractic treatment…
We ensure a high level of care regarding client satisfaction and customer experience.
It is essential for us to connect with our clients on a personal level.
That’s why our experienced international team does everything possible to create a pleasant and custom-tailored experience, delivering the best quality care for each unique client’s need.
Every time.

What We Treat

Alleviate Your Hip Pain & Get Back To Feeling Like Your Old Self Faster:


You Don’t Have To Know What’s Wrong To Get Help

There are times when multiple issues and symptoms coincide or overlap, especially when considering pain in the hip area.
For example:
Some hip pain can actually be caused by underlying issues in your posture, and some lower-back pain can be caused by issues in the hip.

The point is we are not expecting you to know exactly what is wrong.

But if you bring all your symptoms to us, we will work with you to help decipher what has gone wrong, where the problem is, and create a custom solution designed specifically for you.
So you can get back to living your life, faster.
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What We Treat

Reclaim Your Mobility & Live Without Hip Pain


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