Discover The UK’s #1 Family-Friendly Care Provider for Clinical Excellence in Poole And

Generalised Anxiety Disorder Treatment

Naturally, Safely and Effectively Without The Use Of Medications
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What Are Generalised Anxiety Disorder Symptoms?

Attention to GAD has increased significantly over the past ten years for a good reason. Now more than ever, more lifestyle stresses and expectations are placed upon people. Feeling anxious is a common human emotion; generalised Anxiety Disorder occurs when the sense of fear, dread or overwhelm becomes persistent and prevents someone from carrying out their daily tasks or social interaction. It is considered a long-term condition and affects people for most of their adult lives without proper care and treatment.

GAD can range from mild to severe. Because of this, the diagnosis is complex, which is why it’s so important to seek out professional opinion if you are struggling.

GAD can last for many years or even throughout your whole life, with different fluctuations in intensity based on the amount and frequency of different stressors in your life at that time.

The main symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder are having persistant worry or anxiety about an aspect of daily life, whether that be work, family or social. Others observe restlessness, irritability, muscle tension, headaches, or feeling on edge and being on all the time. This leaves people tired and fatigued, as living in a constant state of stress burns a tremendous amount of energy. Overthinking and worst-case outcomes, perceiving situations and events as threatening. This often leads to indecisiveness due to fear of making the wrong decision. Which means any uncertainty is difficult to handle. Sleep disturbances are also common, including trouble falling or staying asleep.

Let me shed some light on why this may happen if you can relate.


What Are The Causes of Generalised Anxiety Disorder?

But it’s the same thing the next day, the next week, and the next month. Soon, what started as an annoyance or discomfort has progressed into debilitating pain that’s preventing you from living your life:



Some of these include:


  • Certain cancers
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Alzheimer’s disease

When the body is constantly in a low-grade fight-of-flight state, it diverts valuable resources away from vital processes such as healing, rest, digestion, growth, repair, and adaptation.



This is why so much emphasis has been placed on reducing stress and managing the symptoms safely, effectively, and naturally.



Life Balance Chiropractic offers a unique look at recovery and recuperation from Mental Health conditions in a safe and judgement-free environment due to our specialism in the nervous system that controls whether or not you are living in a chronic state of stress or ease and, therefore, our perception and how we feel.



If you can relate to this and you feel like your quality of life has been affected by GAD or you feel the selling of your future, then consult with an anxiety therapist, such as a chiropractor, who can provide relief and strategies to manage the anxiety and stressors more effectively as well as bring balance back to your nervous system and take you out of a chronic stress response and into a rest, digest, repair, recuperate response safely and effectively.

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What To Do When Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Don’t Subside?

If you’ve ever experienced GAD, then you know deeply this pain interferes with your everyday life. Early intervention is key to reducing duration and severity. The sooner individuals seek help for anxiety, the better the outcomes are.

Your whole life is placed on hold as it becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to:

  • Concentrate and do your daily tasks or jobs.
  • Not able to make decisions
  • Sleep
  • Enjoy life
  • Relax
  • Travel or be out with friends
  • Enjoy your hobbies and passions

So you try everything you can think of to find relief, but the problem persists, and it can manifest in physical symptoms as the body keeps score. These can include muscle tension, joint restriction, stomach problems, unexplained pain and aches, feeling on edge and easily fatigued, and difficulty sleeping.

You end up frustrated and wondering, “Why won’t these feelings just go away?”

So you try to find relief, but the problem persists.

What We Treat

Manage Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Safely and Effectively


The Key To Breaking The Cycle

The usual problem people run into is something we call “The Loop.”

This is the constant research, action, failure cycle that seems to stay stuck on repeat as you work your way through:

Herbal remedies
CBT (which can also be effective)
Seeking help groups
And so many more

Each time you try something new, the symptoms persist or worsen.


The most worrying aspect of this cycle is its further toll on our physical, emotional, and chemical bodies.


Repeated Physical Stress can increase the risk of further damage.
Repeated Emotional Stress can lower the efficiency of our immune system.
Repeated Chemical Stress from our medications can cause dangerous inflammation.


In reality, treating GAD with medications can be highly addictive and quite dangerous due to their side effects.

What We Treat

Bring Ease Back to Your Life With Natural Generalised Anxiety Disorder Treatment

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The Potential Hidden Dangers Of Treating GAD With Medication

You’re tired of reviewing all the self-help options; you’ve exhausted the list of possibilities, so you contacted your GP, who may have referred you to a specialist. But even then, you’re told the only option you have for true relief is increasingly stronger medications such as:
  • Selective Serotine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as sertraline zoloft or fluoxetine like prozac or citalopram, and paroxetine and Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) such as Venlafixine, Duloxetine are often the first choice for long-term treatment of anxiety.
  • Benzodiazepines such as xanax and valium are used for short-term relief of acute symptoms of anxiety due to their calming effect.
So you either walk away with a vague diagnosis or simple directions to “just take anti-inflammatories, eat soft foods, and avoid moving your jaw.” This inevitably leads to being prescribed stronger and stronger medications once the effects of the others cease to be as effective or a dependent or delayed effectiveness increases.  Withdrawal can be severe, and these medications have a high risk of addiction and side effects such as dizziness, irritability, flu-like symptoms, nausea, headaches, weight gain, lethargy and lack of interest in what would normally interest you.  Because they are never dealing with the root cause and only the symptoms, they just mask the underlying problems, which further delay effective therapy and care that targets the root causes of anxiety. This continued use of medications can set off an entirely new wave of health problems. such as:
  • Addiction and Dependency
  • High fever
  • Seizures and unconsciousness
  • Irregular
  • Suicidal thoughts or behaviour
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Increased risk of bleeding, especially when taken with other medications
  • Liver And Hear Damage
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • And More
The key to avoiding these potential complications is to seek out the root cause and correct it without relying solely on medication. Which is exactly what we can offer you.

What We Treat

Get Your Life Back With Natural Generalised Anxiety Disorder Treatment


Who Are We & How Can We Help?

We are Life Balance Chiropractic, the UK’s #1 family-friendly care provider for exceptional patient excellence.

Our goal is to make your body a better place to live in.

In short, our business is the successful Generalised Anxiety Disorder Management and provides lasting natural anxiety relief.

Whether it’s:

  • Long-term or short-term
  • A known or unknown cause

We can enable you to get your quality of life back.

We do this by offering very accurate diagnosis and examination, which may include digital x-rays of your spine, specific corrective chiropractic care and massage therapy, and lifestyle advice through our proven process, carried out by expert practitioners that make up the life balance difference. You are in the right hands with us.

Our goal is to significantly improve the quality of life for those with GAD and give them strategies and lifestyle advice to reduce the fluctuations and intensity.

Life Balance Chiropractic provides a natural alternative to supporting the mind by stimulating the neural pathways and returning healthy, healing energy to the body.

Aside from feeling relaxed post-treatment, many of our patients have shown improvement in their heart rate variability (HRV), which is the body’s ability to deal with and adapt to stresses. Simply put, it’s like pulling the body’s natural handbrake and taking the foot off the accelerator. This has also been well documented in the scientific literature.

This allows you to return to a state of ease, indirectly increasing stress-reducing “happy” hormones, lowering blood pressure, and providing a better night’s sleep.

As one of the top multi-award-winning clinics for chiropractic treatment, we ensure a high level of care in patient satisfaction and customer experience.

It is important for us to connect with our patients on a personal level.

That’s why our experienced international team does everything we can to create a pleasant and custom-tailored experience, delivering the best quality care for each unique patient need Every time.

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What We Treat

To learn more about how we can help with GAD naturally, safely and effectively

Our Proven Process

Our 4-Step Generalised Anxiety Disorder Treatment Solution For You

Our healing practice is based on a unique 4-step system to ensure you get the best care unique to YOU.

A cozy corner featuring a dark teal velvet chair next to a round white side table. The table has a tissue box with a colorful floral pattern on top. Soft natural light filters in from a nearby window, creating a serene ambiance.
Consult - Your Comfort Is Our Top Priority
During your first visit, we will listen to you and gather your unique health story to discover exactly how your Generalised Anxiety Disorder is affecting your life.
A man with brown hair, wearing a blue shirt, adjusts medical imaging equipment. A woman with blonde hair, wearing a white shirt, stands in front of the machine, preparing for a scan in a clinical setting.
This is when we gather the most powerful data about your Generalised Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and how they are all interconnected with the state of your nervous system. We review your health history and then check your nerves, muscles, and joints to discover the underlying cause of your GAD through our comprehensive structural and nervous system proprietary assessment.
a person looking at an x-ray
Patient education is an important aspect of the experience. We take as much time as needed to review the results and answer any of your concerns or questions. At this point, you are under no obligation to work with us, but we will give you expert recommendations for a custom-tailored action plan.
A chiropractor in a blue shirt is performing an adjustment on a patient lying face down on a chiropractic table. The patient's back is being examined, and the setting appears to be a clinical office with white cabinetry in the background.

If you decide we are a good fit, our professional chiropractors and massage therapists, with decades of clinical experience, will support your health goals and transformation at every step.


The care is painless, and it will free up the locked-up joints, nerves, and muscles, restoring a state of ease, unlocking comfort, reducing pressure and tension, and restoring a state of ease and relaxation that may not have been felt for a long time. We also ensure you get specific personalised lifestyle advice to reduce the severity and frequency of the GAD.

What We Treat

Relax, we'll take it from here your in safe hands.



You Don’t Have To Know Exactly What’s Wrong To Get Help

There are times when multiple GAD symptoms coincide or overlap, especially when considering the different types of anxiety.

We do not expect you to know exactly what is wrong.

But bring all your Generalised Anxiety Disorder symptoms to us. We will work with you to help decipher what has gone wrong and where the problem is coming from and create a customised solution for you.

So you can return to a state of ease in your life faster and unlock lasting change without medication.

What We Treat

Manage Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Holistically, Safely and Effectively:


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What We Treat

Get Your Life Back With Natural Generalised Anxiety Disorder Treatment

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