Finding Yourself Tossing And Turning At Night ?


Pain and Stress is a key factor in the gap between the amount of sleep people say they need verse the amount they’re getting. Here’s how to protect yourself and find relief that really works. Maybe you visit the GP, advised rest, a cold or heat pack, or painkillers. When this doesn’t help, maybe injections, long wait lists for exercise or surgery. It’s a scattershot approach based on sometimes contradictory evidence of what actually helps. Many peoples lives currently revolve around back pain, neck pain and headaches. They try just about everything and still end up frustrated, letdown and then skeptical, nervous and uncertain about other options.

People become stiffer, less active, sleep deprived and overstressed as they are less able to tolerate the normal daily activity and load. Besides factoring in the road to poor health due to a loss of mobility, enjoyment and independence, imagine the quality of life you can potentially be missing out on. You don’t want to be the one left watching from the sidelines, feeling like the “left out” parent or grandparent missing valuable play time with your family, feeling old and like you’re holding everyone else up or simply not living the active lifestyle that you love…and deserve.

We should be educating people on the mountains of evidence of what really works – manual therapy combined with movement programming within a personalised treatment framework.  The crux of our success is based on the integrity of the mechanical structure of the body. Through intensive research and practice, we have developed methods of x-ray interpretation and techniques of correction, which in turn enabled us to predict successful results in the majority of cases.

 Life Balance Chiropractic client Christine was one of them. Could you be next ?

“I was experiencing disturbed sleep, experienced headaches and daily pain stopping me keeping active. I thought what do I have to lose ? The team at LBC took to find out what was going on I felt like i was in the right place. The results speak for themselves. This is definitely for people that are serious about fixing problems”.

Watch her success story and many more here

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