Posture Tips To Beat Back Pain And Spd In Pregnancy

Back pain in pregnancy What tips would you reccomend

“Since I became pregnant, I have started to regularly get back pain. What back pain tips would you recommend for easing my back pain in pregnancy as its getting me down?” Apparently I have SPD. 

Have you ever known someone in your circle of mums to experience back pain? Most people would say yes and so it’s considered normal.

But in reality, it is common but not normal. I’ve just finished up reading a study and I learned just how common it is for pregnant women to experience some form of back pain in pregnancy.

Back pain in various forms is reported by 50% to 80% pregnant women at some point during their pregnancy. Muscle laxity, increase in weight and changes in the body structure can cause the body to sway backwards and change where the load is.


The natural posture that the body follows during the gestation period is slouching in which the back is not straight. This causes pain in the middle back area. Other wrong positions include keeping the legs hanging while sitting, being in half sitting position in bed, sitting with the body bent forward and sitting without back support. All these positions put strain on the lower back area and contribute to the curving of the spine as well as swelling in the legs.


Sitting straight – It is important to keep the back straight while sitting. Your feet should touch the ground and the back should be supported with a pillow. Also, try put your knees below 90 degrees so the natural curves are maintained in your spine.

Pulling in the abdomen –  You should try to pull in your abdomen as much as possible and keep your back straight while standing or walking.

Ruling out sleeping on your back – It is advisable not to sleep on your back because it puts a lot of pressure on the blood vessels which are located on the right side of the spine and stops blood circulation. We always recommend pregnancy pillows to help getting comfortable before a nights sleep.

Put your feet up – You should try and put up your feet as much as possible in order to prevent swelling in the ankles and reduce pressure on the feet. 

Leaving heavy work alone – Carrying loaded bags or vacuuming are some of the chores which you should designate to somebody else if you want to get relief from back pain. But that isn’t always possible, is it? So, if your unable to avoid it, make sure your distributing the weight evenly where you can and twist from your hips not your spine, by keeping everything tight and in line when you doing stuff around the house.

Pregnancy chiropractor at life balance chiropractic 

There’s no time in your life when regular chiropractic treatment will be more important than when you are pregnant. Pregnancy is such a unique special time in a women’s life and every mother needs a support team on this journey. That’s why we at Life Balance Chiropractic we are proud that so many mums to be choose us to be on their team.


At Life Balance Chiropractic we see 100’s of mums-to-be so are well prepared to help support you throughout your pregnancy and childbirth. Life Balance Chiropractors are all trained in Webster’s pregnancy technique and have established close relations with many midwives throughout Bournemouth, Dorset, Poole , Westbourne and Wimborne. 

Chiropractic care in pregnancy helps things like spd in pregnancy and back pain in pregnancy as it creates Alignment, Balance, the right Lordosis and Ease within the body. Ensuring that the mothers spine and nervous system can work at their optimum and provide the best possible environment for the developing baby. With the pelvis in a balanced state, ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equal supportive suspension for the uterus.
Relief of these constraints may also offer the best possible chance for baby to be in the right position when labor commences.
If the pelvis is out of balance, these ligaments can become torqued or twisted and cause uterine constraint. When you are balanced it will help, you adapt to pregnancy more gracefully and easily, by relieving the tension and making you more comfortable and allowing you to be at your best. 

Find out More About Webster’s Technique here for breech a breech baby


It’s important to note that, we are just one part of a team in every pregnancy that includes your partners, midwifes, doulas, gps , obstetricians , yoga teachers, family and friends. We respect the choices of all our clients and provide support as and when it’s requested.

What the Midwives sayMany midwives refer their clients and their new babies to use for chiropractic care. Because of its safe and gentle nature, it’s a great way to promote comfort and confidence in the body and minimize back pain during your pregnancy and to support the natural birthing process.

Naomi works as a NHS midwife and is an independent midwife and has no doubt that chiropractic treatment has helped many of her clients with comfort during pregnancy and improved birth outcomes:

“As a Midwife I recommend chiropractic treatment to all my client’s. In my experience, antenatal adjustments promote general well-being, manage common pregnancy ailments and improve birth outcomes. “Postnatal treatment aids a smooth recovery for mothers and treatment for babies may help to establish more successful sleeping and feeding behaviours and facilitate a calmer child. The benefits of chiropractic are numerous. “I not only advocate chiropractic treatment for childbearing but as a continuous lifestyle choice for the entire family. Life Balance Chiropractic specialises in pregnancy and new-borns and will provide a professional and family friendly service.”

P.S if you are experiencing pelvic girdle pain or spd in pregnancy then head over to this post for more tips. If you’re experiencing spd symptoms and lower back pain in pregnancy  which restricts your ability to move and keep mobile without pain then Click below to download our free top tips to beat spd in pregnancy and pelvic girdle pain that we give to our clients at Life Balance Chiropractic Click below to get your free copy:

beat pgp

We understand that people are often frustrated as they are not always sure who they should see. If you are one of those people who is perhaps considering chiropractic and know they need help, but not sure who they should see.  We have a number of options for you below.  Just get in touch below by filing out one of the quick 20 second forms below.

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P.S If you are considering seeing a Chiropractor then make sure you don’t make these 7 mistakes when choosing one. 


Mind Your posture – Parents and posture pregnancy

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