Upper Cervical Chiropractic

What Is Upper Cervical Chiropractic?
Upper cervical Chiropractic care is a specialised approach to chiropractic care.This approach focuses on the alignment, function, and nerve supply of the uppermost vertebrae of the spine, specifically the cervical spine, the C0 Occiput, the C1 atlas, and the C2 axis vertebrae.
These vertebrae are crucial in supporting the head and stabilising the neck. This spine area is responsible for most movement in the neck, specifically turning the head and 50% of the head’s range of motion.
It also plays a vital role in protecting the brain brain stem and vagus nerve, ensuring proper nervous system functioning and effective communication throughout the body. woodfield et al. 2015).
So, is it any wonder it can be misaligned with injuries or repetitive strain?
The main point of differentiation between this technique and others is how it uses a methodology that is as specific as possible when identifying misalignments of the upper cervical spine and correcting them with precise, gentle adjustments.
Restoring proper alignment and function to the upper cervical spine removes interference to the nervous system, improves brain-body communication, and facilitates the body’s natural healing processes, empowering you to live a better quality of life.
This technique came from BJ Palmer, the son of the founder of chiropractic DD Palmer in the late 1930s; after observation and research, the Plamer research clinic concluded that the upper cervical spine was the most crucial area in many conditions seen at his clinic. It has been concluded that 95% of nervous system interference occurs at the level of c1/2 (Collins & Pfleger 1994)

Are you Suffering From Any of These Vagus Nerve Impairment Symptoms?
A crucial part of our nervous system is the vagus nerve. It plays a vital role in maintaining balance in our body. When the tone of this nerve changes through various causes such as chronic stress, trauma, toxins and neurological disorders like vertebral subluxation of the upper neck, this reduces the tone of this vital nerve, and it can cause the following symptoms:
- Anxiety and Panic attacks
- Brain Fog
- Decreased heart rate variability (HRV) (how adaptable our body is to stress)
- Cognitive Impairments
- Epilepsy and Seizures
- Sleeping problems
- Dizziness and Headaches
- Abnormal Heart rate
- Digestive Issues
- Chronic inflammation
If you answered “YES” to any of these vagus nerve impairment symptoms, click the button below and schedule an appointment.
It’s important to address these symptoms early before the pain worsens and impacts our quality of life.

Unique Benefits of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care
- Precise, specialised and targeted Alleviation of chronic pain and natural pain relief.
- This can improve a sense of balance and improve an individual’s mental health.
- Improved range of motion and Improved brain-body communication
- Improvements in Heart Rate Variability (HRV) over time.
- Improve complex cases when other chiropractic, physio or osteopathic methods have failed.
- Vital for the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which is essential for brain health (Rosa 2018)
- Reduction in vertigo, dizziness and balance.
- Better posture due to the relationship of the spine working as a unit and one part influencing another.
- Increased energy and vitality is a commonly reported feelings by clients. But don’t take our word for it. Watch our testimonials
- It is noninvasive, safe, and avoids the cracking and popping sounds many associate with chiropractic care, as not all clients like them.
- Improved sleep patterns help alleviate discomfort and tension that can often disrupt sleep.
- Reduced dependency on medication

How to Gain Relief from Vagus Nerve Dysfunction
Before Treatment
- Suffering from pain
- Difficulty concentrating, focusing and brain fog
- Trouble sleeping
- Covering up the symptoms with medication
- Feeling frustration, anxiety, or depression?
After Treatment
- Reduce Your Pain By As Much As 85%
- Get your life back and enjoy the things you love again
- Fall asleep faster and enjoy more restful sleep again
- Reduce the need for medication significantly
- Enjoy your life again