Chiropractor near me – stress 101: 10 things you need to know ‘sympathetic vs parasympathetic’

Right now you’re overwhelmed with how out of control you feel when it comes to your health and your future. You’re trying to look after your family, juggling 1000 things at once, putting the pain to one side, putting you last. You’ve seen many doctors, had many tests, but your symptoms just aren’t disappearing, the pain just keeps coming back, nothing seems to work, you’ve had it for too long, you think putting up with it is fine and you think you’re coping with the stress.

Imagine what it would feel like to be free from the stress, free from pain.

Imagine if you felt good on the inside and the outside.

Imagine being able to live your best life to its full potential resolving your chronic stress caused by chronic pain once and for all.

Our client Mary has suffered from a bad lower back for 8 years and after yet another repeat injury this year, which left her bed bound for weeks, unable to stand up, walk or shower herself, she finally decided it was time to stop neglecting her health and brushing the problem under the carpet.

Is this YOU ?

The physical stress of not being able to walk caused her a lot of emotional stress and at the same time, she felt like she had completely lost her independence. Mary was unable to live her life. Mary’s life suddenly changed at the blink of an eye. Unable to even cook dinner for her partner or do house chores, she started experiencing relationship pressures as she had to rely heavily on her partner who worked a full time job.

Mary left her problems untreated for so long, the impact from the injuries over time had caused herniation of 2 discs in her lower back which is actually the area that controls a human’s leg function!

Mary came into the centre with 11 spinal misalignments, 6 weeks into her treatment this reduced to 2. She is now well on the way to feeling stress free through Chiropractic treatment at Life Balance Chiropractic Centre.

Through dedication to her treatment plan and persistency she is now looking forward to a healthy and worry free life.

Here is the stress 101 : 10 things you need to know !!!

#Number 1 – to live a healthier life you must have physical, chemical and emotional well being. You might be wondering how to do this right now? Basically you should focus on reducing stress in the part of your nervous system that goes into flight or flight mode. This is called the ‘sympathetic’ system. When the sympathetic dominates your nervous system your whole body may feel physical symptoms of stress such as ‘pain’.

#Number 2 – on the other side, there’s the ‘parasympathetic’ part of your nervous system, this controls all the good things, the rest and digest part of your body, reproduction and repair.

#Number 3 – when our bodies are under stress our ‘sympathetic’ systems that control fight or flight are fired up and the parasympathetic is suppressed.

#Number 4 – your digestion, reproductive and immune system shuts down when your body is in fight or flight mode. This means our system is under suppression of all the good stuff that should be happening.

#Number 5 – it’s ok to have your ‘sympathetic’ nervous system fired up when it needs to be, for example when you are being chased by a lion.

#Number 6 – it is not ok if your sympathetic nervous system is fired up all the time as this causes your body’s system to ultimately shut down, causing emotional, physical and chemical stress.

#Number 7 – it’s important to calm down the sympathetic nervous system so the parasympathetic can work well and so you can live a truly happy worry free life.

#Number 8 – you can do this by changing your lifestyle – eat the right foods – certain foods boost serotonin (happy chemical) levels such as almonds, sweet potatoes, turmeric, berries – this is because they contain serotonin.

As well as this stay active, get regular chiropractic adjustments, be mindful, exercise regularly, practice positive affirmations.

#Number 9 – over time your brain will learn that these are the things that stimulate your parasympathetic system, which means your body will reproduce and repair better and be happier.

#Number 10 – here’s some sympathetic exercises you can do at the gym to help control your fight or flight (the stress system)

So have you decided it’s time to overcome chronic stress which is clearly a burden on your life? Overcome worrying about pain every single day. Overcome that anger and frustration you get from not being able to do the activities you use to be able to do, not being able to put your child to bed or do as much housework as before.

Here at Life Balance Chiropractic we encourage you alongside your adjustments to wind down your sympathetic nervous system so you can really reduce chronic stress caused by your pain. Just having an adjustment alone can increase your chances of a healthier nervous system and as a result result in less stress.

If you feel after reading the stress 101: 10 things you need to know, you are ready to book an initial consultation to start your journey to a stress free life please call us on 01202 684 859 and one of the girls on front desk will happily help you. Or alternatively please request a call back with a suitable time and date to book an appointment. If you want to find out a little more about your symptoms and why you feel how you do you can also book a 15 minute free discovery session.

Yes call me back to book an appointment >>

We embrace those who encourage a stress free life, who actively seek to live a happier and healthier life.

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