What Not To Wear To The Christmas Party (And Why It Causes Back Pain)

Which part of your Christmas party outfit could cause back pain?

Ok, I know I’ve written about Christmas parties already recently, but it’s different this time!

Most people have their Christmas parties booked very soon (if they haven’t already had them), and it’s something that might help you out.

And if you’re anything like the girls in Life Balance Chiropractic, you’ve already got your Christmas party outfit planned.

Well, so did one of our clients who came to see us this week…

Julie is a regular client here at Life Balance Chiropractic, who came to see me with back pain after her work’s Christmas party. Julie is an office manager but also sings in a local group, so between that an her work she’s on her feet for most of day, and because of this, she usually wears flat shoes to stay comfortable.

This year  though decided to treat herself to a new pair of heels for the Christmas party as you do apparently – she was prepared to deal with the awful, aching feet feeling the next morning, but she wasn’t expecting to have to deal with terrible back pain because of them too.

Why would she? The first thing you think of when it comes to heels (apart from how good you’re going to look in them) is aching feet, not an aching back.

When Julie woke up the morning after the party she was in pain. Pain so bad that her husband had to help her turn and then lift her out of bed and put her shoes on. Not only that, she struggled so much with an aching back all week, that even driving became difficult. She ended up not being able to work and singing was out the question. 

So, why did wearing a pair of heels cause  Julie so much back pain the following day and week?

Here’s why – “High heels increase the pressure on your back by about 25 times. They can alter the way you walk, and can even lead to bad posture – which causes your back pain”.

Now I know it’s tempting to slip on a pair of heels (and I’m not saying to avoid them all night completely) although if you choose a softly cushioned pair of shoes instead, your lower back will experience 25 times less pressure and force placed upon it.

Which has got to be better than waking up the next day with a bad back and walking around in agony for a week, wouldn’t you agree?

Not only that, but add all of the dancing that you do at Christmas parties – do you really want to put that much strain on your lower back each time you place your foot on the ground? 

That’s exactly what happened to Claire and it’s why she ended up coming to see us this past week.

So this year, why not swap your high heels for a pair of well-fitted, cushioned flats. Heels might look good – but is it really worth all that lower back pain? As a side note most of at weddings I’ve been too this year I saw lot’s of women ending up taking there shoes off anyway or taking flip flops. Not a bad choice.  

P.S. If you’re suffering from back pain and don’t want it to get in the way of enjoying family time this Christmas, here’s a free special report with 9 quick easy ways to live with less back pain – you can download it free instantly when you go here:Back Pain Treatment In Poole & Bournemouth

Here’s some free tips guide that we wrote for you, your family and friends you can start using as soon as today, to help ease pains, aches and restrictions quick, visit here to download it:

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