Why does Sciatica last so long?

Busy professional parents, does this sound familiar to you?
You are running around taking care of everyone without spending time for yourself. Your life is based on how to take care of others and helping them with their problems. You neglect yourself and forget that you can have issues too. Although this is the case, you still try your best to be more disciplined and improve your health. Unfortunately, you look around and everyone is doing so well and you are the one that still suffers. Still that old boring lower back pain or nerve pain that never seems to go away. If you can relate to this, let me shed some light on what might be happening in this situation…

First we have to understand what sciatica pain is… Sciatica is the compression or the irritation of the sciatic nerve that runs down your lower back, through the buttock and all the way down the leg.

Symptoms vary from person to person and they are usually dull, achy, burning, numbness, tingling or sharp-shooting. Often people will also mention muscular weakness.
The nerve is irritated mainly because of inflammation, loss of alignment or motion in the spine that injures the squidgy disc in between the movable bones. 

So, what we often see is that many people tend to leave their pain to one side and let it ‘’just disappear’’. This pattern of thinking can continue for months or even years. 

If you are someone who is suffering you might found yourself saying something like “it will go away on its own, it’s gone away before, it went away last time”.

You might feel better, but the reason you do is your body compensates for irritation on the nerve. You might find yourself constantly moving around to try get comfortable going from standing, sitting or lying down to alleviate the pain. 

Which works, but only temporarily

The problem with this is it won’t just disappear on its own. 

But, more and more people are finding ways to treat the underlying cause of the pain, rather than the symptoms. In Sciatica terms what’s causing the irritation on the sciatic nerve. 

Marlene came in with lumbar spinal stenosis like most people when starting to feel the pain spoke to her GP, was given medication painkillers, which only got stronger over time, which then led to physio. When that was unsuccessful that led to injections with the next step being surgery, discectomy.

There are a couple of things you can do to help you when you are suffering from sciatica. 

  1. Try to find the cause of your sciatica, this will help you manage it the best.
  2.  When you are sleeping, put a pillow between your legs, this may help to take puts pressure on your lower back and nerves and align the spine.
  3.  Increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods such as: (turmeric, ginger, leafy greens, avocado and extra-virgin olive oil) and decrease the inflammatory foods which are processed meats, red meat, trans fats, fried food, vegetable oil and refined flour products.

A few great questions to ask yourself is ‘How long have you already suffered ? What have you already tried ? How successful was it ? 

Sciatica is a symptom that has been haunting millions of people around the U.K. It is a frustrating and debilitating condition that stops you from walking, sleeping, running, sitting, picking up your children and other normal activities. 

Remember, it’s important to seek medical advice from qualified medical professionals to properly diagnose and treat chronic sciatica. Different treatment options, such as physical therapy, steroid injections, and acupressure points, can provide pain relief and help improve your condition. Make sure to consult with a medically reviewed healthcare provider to explore the best treatments for your specific case, considering factors like the duration of the sciatica, the involvement of nerve roots, and the possibility of a herniated disc.

Don’t let sciatica pain hold you back. Take proactive steps, such as maintaining good posture, seeking appropriate treatments, and following the advice of medical professionals, to manage and alleviate your symptoms. Remember, your health and well-being are important, so don’t hesitate to reach out for the support and guidance you need.

If you have been dealing with this for longer than you need to, check our guide on 6 ways to relieve sciatica pain or join our webinar on ”Managing Sciatica and Lower Back Pain Safely and Effectively” on demand. 

Click the link below to Watch this webinar. Here you will find the number spinal stretch for sciatica pain 


We understand that people are often frustrated as they are not always sure who they should see. If you are one of those people who is perhaps considering their options, and you are considering chiropractic as one of them and know you need help, but are not sure who you should see then make sure you don’t make these 7 mistakes people make when choosing a Chiropractor or any health professional for that matter.  Click here or below to get your free copy

7 Mistakes people make when choosing a chiropractor

We also have a number of options available for you below. 



P.S. We know it can be a bit scary going somewhere for the first time. You can expect a very warm welcome and friendly team. We will take the time to look after you.

P.P.S If you’re experiencing low back and sciatica which is affecting, the things you need, want or love to do are becoming increasingly difficult. Then click here to download our free informative report on low back pain and sciatica pain guide. It includes our top actionable tips we give our clients at Life Balance Chiropractic which you can start implementing immediately to get some wanted relief.

P.P.P.S. Alternatively, call 01202 684859 TODAY and ask for the initial consultation for back pain and sciatica pain, but hurry because places are limited and when consultation slots are gone they are gone. 

 Written by DC Nicholas Naprta

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