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Lower Back Pain Getting You Down?

16 years ago John started suffering with Lower Back Pain, which started tracking down his left leg and developed into sciatica. It felt like a...
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Find Out How Chris Tackled Her Migraines!

a FREE headaches and migraines talk having tried Physio, Acupuncture and other Chiropractors before Chris decided to book in for a...
Christine 1

Tips To Get You A Great Night’s Sleep

Our brains are stimulated by light and sound and so things like watching tv and scrolling on your mobile phone can affect the way you...
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Living With, Or Worried About Someone Suffering With Fibromyalgia?

Do you hurt all over or have widespread pain lasting more than 3 months? These are all symptoms of Fibromyalgia and are often...
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Does Stress Seem To Be Wherever You Go?

Stress now appears to be a part of everyones everyday lives no matter your lifestyle. Many times we put the stress on ourselves, while...
Stress Blog 1

What Your Symptoms Could Really Be Saying…

Five factors most cited in surveys as sources of stress were money, work, family, economy and relationships. Make no mistake, we are...

Finding Yourself Tossing And Turning At Night ?

Pain and Stress is a key factor in the gap between the amount of sleep people say they need verse the amount they’re getting. Here’s...
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Relief For Back Pain And Sciatica

Suffering from lower back pain and sciatica? That Stinging, burning numb feeling that’s shoots down the leg and sometimes even into...
Johns story

John’s Life Balance Chiropractic Story

For the past 40 years John has suffered with weekly Migraines and Headaches, often times 4 or more times per week. He knew...
Knee Pain

Erin’s Case Study

From the age of 12, Erin was in daily agony with back and knee pain. She knew something was seriously wrong when the pain stopped...
4 Health Qs

4 Questions About How To Optimise Your Health

With so much information on health and how you can be healthy, it all can be very overwhelming and confusing. This month we asked...
Naked Midwives Blog

The Naked Midwives Take Over

So, here’s a pair of trainers and the marathon is tomorrow...
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